Saturday 20 December 2014

PMG02 Barfs out words #4: Re: Let's Plays

If you watch my YouTube channel (which by the way is: You would have noticed that when I started producing written content for the channel that I implied that I would not be tying up loose ends with let's plays that I started in years past. (Don't watch those by the way they're terrible). However if you watch my YouTube channel (which you still should) you would know that I'm doing let's plays again. Don't freak out though written, content isn't going away (after all you're reading a blog post). But there will be gaming content. Because I'm starting them back up the rest of this post is going to mainly be my thoughts about let's plays.

In case you're living under a rock with no internet (in which case how are you reading this) let's plays are videos posted to the internet of someone commentating a game whilst playing it. In the last two years they've become wildly successful and have taken the world by storm. In my opinion there are three types of let's plays out there. Type a is the most popular leave your brain at the door let's plays that are just a fun thing to watch after a hard day and I think it has its place for that just straight up entertainment purposes. Now south park recently did an episode on these types of let's players and touches on all of my problems with them so that is definitely worth a watch. Type b of let's plays turn them more into film projects and years can be spent on preparing for them. Type b is really good but let's plays of that type are few and far between (probably due to the aforementioned years of preparation that they can take). Type c is when someone just talks to themselves while playing the game without putting any real entertainment face on. You would think then that type c has no place, but due to their generally laid back nature I find them somewhat relaxing.

In summary I think that all let's plays have their place but I really don't want them to take over my channel. Because I really want to keep myself doing scripted content I've decided I'm going to-once my current let's play is over-do a follow up video on actual English history for some background on who exactly I was playing as in my Civ 5 game. Anyway that's about it I will keep you posted (most likely in an ALog) on the status of the video so you can know what stage it is in. Bye.     

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